
Forum 5-8 

Room: Plenary Chamber, Bonn1+2, Bonn 3, Presserondell

Forum 5-8

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 10:30 - 12:30 p.m.

The International ETG Congress “Die Energiewende” is the place where leading companies present their innovative ideas and solutions. This includes the embedded Exhibitor Forum which offers ideal conditions to meet researchers, developers, manufacturers, investors, users and decision makers. Here, exhibiting companies and sponsors will have the opportunity to present their offerings in a Workshop environment.



Forum 5



Moderation: Rainer Speh, Siemens Ltd, Riyad, Saudi Arabien, Program Chairman

1. Overview: Presentation of ETG Study „Der Zellulare Ansatz“
Peter Schegner, TU Dresden, Germany
2. Overview: Energiewende quer gedacht
Franz Hein, Germany
Panel Discussion:

"The Cellular Approach ‐ Engine for Economic Growth and New Market Models"
R. Speh (Mod.), A. Moser, P. Schegner

Forum 6

"Herstellerforum 2"

ABB is technology leader in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technology and the only
company in the market that develops and produces all key components of HVDC Systems in house – semiconductors, converters and high voltage cables. During the two manufacturers’ forums at the ETG Congress ABB will explain the fundamentals of HVDC and cable

Moderation: Thomas Benz, Chairman of the Board of Director VDE/ETG, Germany

1. Overview: XLPE DC cables rated higher than 500kV - a key building block for the German "Energiewende"
Sebastian Ebert, Head of Cable Projects, Grid Systems Germany, ABB AG, Germany
2. Overview: High-voltage direct current Transmission - Technological aspects and grid Expansion in Europe
Benedikt Kurth, Sales Manager HVDC, Grid Systems Germany, ABB AG, Germany

Forum 7

"Forum der Alternativen"

Moderation: Martin Kleimaier, Germany
1. Overview: Virtual Power Plants – from Concept to Reality
Jan Aengevoort, Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation
Next Kraftwerke GmbH, Germany
2. Overview: Die technischen Potenziale von Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzelle in einem nachhaltigen Energiesystem
Johannes Töpler, Stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzender, Deutscher Wasserstoffverband (DWV), Germany
3. Overview: Erfahrungsbericht ‐ Intelligentes Verteilnetz‐Management System (INES)
Martin Stiegler, SAG GmbH, Germany
Panel Discussion: M. Kleimaier (Mod.), J. Aengevoort, J. Töpler, M. Stiegler
Forum 8

"Smart Metering"

Moderation: Sven Koltermann, Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Germany

1. Overview: Smart Metering in UK and Germany: Two paths toward intelligent networks
Frank Schmidt-Küntzel, Telefonica, Germany

2. Overview: Increasing visibility on the distribution grid
Jonas Danzeisen, Geschäftsführer Venios GmbH, Germany

3. Overview: Smart metering rollout in Germany ‐ The value of partnering
Virginia Ahuir, M2M Utilities Business Development Manager, Vodafone, Germany

Bernhard Mildebrath, Teamleiter Produktmarketing, Schleupen AG, Germany

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