Electricity and Safety 2014 




(Aug. 28) 10:00
Jens Jühling, BG ETEM German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors, Cologne, Germany

(Aug. 28) 10:10
No safety without standardization
Bernhard Thies, DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies of DIN and VDE, Frankfurt, Germany

(Aug. 28) 10:30
New developments in electrosensitive protection equipment
Thomas Bömer, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (IFA), German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV), Sankt Augustin, Germany

(Aug. 28) 10:50
Friedrich Harleß, Siemens AG, Nürnberg, Germany

(Aug. 28) 10:50
Fault protection and break-time
Reinhard Hirtler, Stiftung Elektroschutz, Vienna, Austria

(Aug. 28) 11:10
Effects of direct current for human beings
Christian Rückerl, FTZ Leipzig e.V., Leipzig, Germany

Coffee break

(Aug. 28) 12:00
Safety aspects in conjunction with new developments in installations
Etienne Tison, Schneider Electric, Grenoble, France

(Aug. 28) 12:20
Dominique Vacher, EDF France, Paris, France

(Aug. 28) 12:20
Protection against the hazards due to AC and DC fault arcs
Holger Schau, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany

(Aug. 28) 12:40
Analysis of DC fault arcs: first results
Roman Ranzinger, Jörg Schmidt, Audi AG, Ingolstadt, Germany; Holger Schau, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany

Lunch break

(Aug. 28) 14:10
Arc flash standards testing update: Practical lessons and the future
Hugh Hoagland, ArWear, Luisville, U.S.A.

(Aug. 28) 14:30

(Aug. 28) 14:30
Smart grid and safety aspects
Jamie McWilliam, Energy Networks Association, London, Great Britain

(Aug. 28) 14:50
Strategy & practice of smart grid in China
Jiang Shen, State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing, China

Coffee break

(Aug. 28) 15:40
Jamie McWilliam, Energy Networks Association, London, Great Britain

(Aug. 28) 15:40
Safety requirements and standardization for batteries and new battery technologies
Friedrich Kramm, Exide GmbH, Büdingen, Germany

(Aug. 28) 16:00
Safety test for batteries and fuel cells
Christoph Borlinghaus, VDE Testing and Certification Institute, Offenbach, Germany

(Aug. 28) 16:20
Ideas and experiences of smart grids supporting smart cities
Hongyu Lin, State Grid Corporation of China, Beijing, China

(Aug. 28) 16:40
Final discussion, Closing
Jens Jühling, BG ETEM German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the energy, textile, electrical and media products sectors, Cologne, Germany

(Aug. 28) 17:00
End of first day
in Kap Europa, Conference Center, Frankfurt,

Conference dinner (for Authors and Invited Guests)


(Aug. 29) 09:00
Bus Transfer
starting at the Conference Center, Kap Europa, Osloer Str. 5, Frankfurt

(Aug. 29) 09:30
Visitation of the VDE Testing and Certification Institute, Offenbach
Christoph Borlinghaus, VDE Testing and Certification Institute, Offenbach, Germany

Bus Transfer

(Aug. 29) 13:00
at the Conference Center, Frankfurt, End of the Symposium

organized by

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