

NEWS: 09 July 2014



NEWS: 07 February 2014:


NEWS: 04 November 2013:

Extended Draft Paper Submission Deadline:  Friday, November 8, 2013, 13:00 CET

  • Dear authors, while uploading your papers, you may  ignore warning "The paper has an average line spacing of 11.931 pt, but should have 12. You may need to increase your font size." as long as the average font size is around 12.


  • Dear authors, please note that if you use the LaTeX template, you may ignore the following margin-warning: “The widest page of the paper has a text width of 16.7 cm on page 1 (widths: 16.7; 16.7 cm), which does not leave 2.2 cm each of left and right margin on a page of 21.0 cm (A4 paper).” while uploading your paper.  The required margins are 2.5 cm above, left, right and 3.0 cm below. This is secured if the template is used. 


NEWS: 30 October 2013:

  • Dear authors, while uploading your papers, you may  ignore warning "The paper has an average line spacing of 11.931 pt, but should have 12. You may need to increase your font size." as long as the average font size is around 12.

  • Dear authors, please note that if you use the LaTeX template, you may ignore the following margin-warning: “The widest page of the paper has a text width of 16.7 cm on page 1 (widths: 16.7; 16.7 cm), which does not leave 2.2 cm each of left and right margin on a page of 21.0 cm (A4 paper).” while uploading your paper.  The required margins are 2.5 cm above, left, right and 3.0 cm below. This is secured if the template is used. 


NEWS: 02 September 2013:

  • We have updated our paper templates, available in Word2003, Word2010, LaTeX and OpenOffice format: 


Aurbus Defence
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